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Have you ever felt like you could reach out and touch heaven? 


Well, at 13,045 ft, you sure feel like you can.


On Saturday, my squad began the trek of a 5,242 ft elevation gain to the top of the volcano, Acatenango. 


Hiking that volcano was the hardest thing I have ever physically done, and yet it was the most beautiful thing I have ever done. When we started the hike, optimism and joy filled our spirits. As each hour passed though, it became harder and harder, and negativity began to creep in. Feelings of doubt and fear started to spread throughout our squad, as this hike was HARD. About halfway up, when I thought we had been through the hardest part, I looked up at what lie ahead and immediately was struck with tears as to what I had gotten myself into. I wanted to quit. I wanted to turn around. I wanted to go home. I was exhausted, my legs hurt, and I had no confidence in myself. 


But the Lord came, and simply said “Keep Going”…  And so I did… 


Once we reached base camp, and I saw a volcano parallel with us explode, I was awe struck. I thought to myself “Now this is amazing, thanks Jesus”. That night, as we continued to watch the volcano explode, the temperature dropped to below freezing and it was so cold… and we still had more to hike in the morning. Throughout the night, the fear crept in again… My two friends, Maria and Emmery, and I huddled in my tent trying to feed off each others body heat. Bodies cold and aching, it was a long night. Once we started the hike at 4 am the next morning to the summit, I got altitude sickness, and let me tell you, we were walking on a narrow path and my dizzy spell was not helping. In the pitch black of the morning, I once again wanted to turn around and go back. I truly didn’t know if I could do this… After an hour and a half of straight incline and rock climbing, we reached the very top. 


We were at the top of Acatenango. 


I collapsed and began crying. I was overcome with emotion as I looked at the beautiful view and realized we made it. By the grace and strength of the Lord, I had made it to one of the highest points in Central America. The view from the top, made it all worth it. 


As I have reflected over the last few days, the Lord has been using the hike as an example of the Race, and what is ahead. Everyday, I have to choose joy and choose Him. There are times that it is going to be so hard, and I am going to want to quit and go home, but I have to have faith in His plan. I had to have faith, that at the top of the hike, I would see the most incredible views and see a volcano explode (which we were not promised due to rainy season), and sure enough, I saw the most incredible view I have ever seen. I have to have faith for what the Lord has in store throughout the Race, and when I look back on it, it will all be worth it. 


Here are some pictures from the most incredible thing I have ever done. 

What’s even more incredible, is that the amazing God who created the most amazing view I have ever seen in my life, also created me! And perfectly at that! That was an incredible realization as we started our decent. 


I would love if you could pray for my squad and I. This is our last week with ministry in Guatemala. We have one week of debrief next week and then we are headed to Honduras. We will be camping on the side of a mountain for the next month, helping with manual labor and ministry within the local community. 

With Love,


2 responses to “Acatenango”

  1. An EXPERIENCE of a lifetime! You’re photos are the best. I’m catching up ~ ?? your daily details!

  2. Absolutely amazed at the view… and your courage. So glad you got to learn from this experience!